Wednesday, 22 October 2014

How to draw manga feet.

Now we have, feet! (also a request from my sister). These alien like appendages always look so strange because we hardly spend time looking at them. Even if we do we rarely pay much attention. Take a look at the image and off we go (please ignore the faint inking, I drew this during an hour break between lectures this morning and had to use a biro instead of a proper fine-liner as I was a silly sausage and forgot to bring my pen and have to use university scanners, not having any of my own,  so had to do draw with whatever I had).
A basic triangle with the top cut off will do as a guide for most situations. The lines here aren’t any particular measurement unfortunately, it depends on how big your character’s feet are (look at the ‘how many heads high’ tutorial for a rough idea). They are just there for me to have some guide on the height or length of the foot (hence why the bottom view looks smaller as the foot is longer than it is high). The most difficult parts of the foot are the toes and the ankles. The big toe is quite large and the other four get smaller in an arc pattern (see bottom left).

All I can say here really is closely observe the examples here and your own feet to get a rough idea for the size of the toes when seen from different angles, the ankle bone closest to the big toe is actually slightly higher than the one on the opposite side and toes are bigger than you think! Other than that it is hard to set proportional rules as the foot doesn’t divide neatly into halves etc. like the hands (roughly) or the body in general. The good news? Most of the time your characters will be wearing wonderful devices known as shoes, which can be constructed around the guide triangle and no need for toes (bottom right)! I recommend you practice your barefoot drawing right away though as you never know when you will need it.

If you have any requests, just leave a comment and I will do my best to post what you need. See you next Wednesday for another set of tutorials/reference guides!

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